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I work with clients in all aspects of family law, including: 

  • Divorce
  • Property characterization and division, including business valuations and appraisals
  • Spousal support and child support
  • Child custody and visitation
  • Premarital and postmarital agreements
  • Parentage actions
  • Cohabitation agreements


I was first trained as a mediator in 1999 and I have been mediating family law disputes for over twenty years, acting as neutral mediator.  In mediation, I work directly with the parties to arrive at a settlement.   Mediation provides families with a less expensive and more relaxed process in which they control the outcome.  If the parties desire, independent attorneys sometimes attend some or all of the meditation sessions. 

Collaborative Practice

In a collaborative case, each party works with an attorney trained in collaborative practice.  The parties and attorneys agree that they will not litigate issues in court, and as with mediation, the parties direct the process.  I have participated in numerous successful collaborative cases, and continue to work to improve my skills.  I have been a member of Collaborative Practice of Marin since 1999, and currently serve on its Board of Directors.  I am also a member of Collaborative Attorneys and Mediators of Marin, a small group that meets regularly to discuss issues that arise in alternate dispute resolution. 

Consulting Attorney

I also regularly represent clients in mediation as a consulting attorney providing legal advice and support during the mediation process.